SYSDO – Attendance system

SYSDO is a modern attendance system operating in the cloud. The basic function of SYSDO is to control and manage attendance, create individual work plans and prepare attendance data in suitable formats for corporate accounting. Attendance is recorded using biometric terminals which have fingerprint sensors as well as a pair of cameras with IR illumination for face recognition. Of course, authentication by entering a PIN code or placing a chip is also possible.

SYSDO also offers smart virtual terminals at no additional charge which provides mobile solution for home office, small company branches and attendance of drivers or workers on a construction site. Hundreds of companies are currently using SYSDO and the system has fully adapted to all their demands. You can try SYSDO for two months completely free and without obligation.

Monitoring of Productivity and Activities

If you use the SYSDO attendance system together with the EDA ticketing system in your company, you will get a comprehensive overview of your employees‘ activities and overall productivity.

SYSDO has an overview of work plans of individual employees which means the system knows their working hours, overtime and on the contrary vacation or other working absence. Simply put, SYSDO knows exactly how much time an employee spent at work. EDA collects information about tasks and projects that the company is working on. Users enter the time they spent on individual tasks, they can even enter the time on an ongoing basis if the task is more time-consuming. That makes EDA knowing exactly how much time was spent on individual tasks and by whom.

SYSDO collects information from the ticketing system and puts them together with its own data. The result is a comprehensive graphical presentation of employee activities where you can see immediately which employee is overloaded and which is not. With one click you will get from the compact view to the details of the selected day and you can go through the individual activities of the chosen employee.

This system will help you to optimize processes in your company very effectively, saving not only time but also money.